Gil's Automotive Spring Maintenance Checklist
Auto Repair made easy by Gil
Battery: Check condition and age of battery. Inspect & clean terminals.
Belts: Inspect all belts, hoses & clamps. Replace any that are damaged or worn.
Brakes: Inspect pads, shoes, check fluid levels. (Replace every 2 years)
Charging & Starting System: Check operatio of alternator, starter, fuses, wiring, etc.
Cooling System: Check thermostat, flush system every 2 years unless using extened life antifreeze.
CV Joints & Boots: Inspect boots for cracks, tears or leaks.
Exhaust System: INspec for leaks, rusted or damaged parts and loose clamps/brackets.
FIlters: Inspect and/or check age of: air filter, oil filter, fuel filter, PCV filter, transmission filter, cabin air filter, vapor canister filter.
Fluids: Check and replace as necassary: brake fluid, motor oil, power steering fluid, antifreeze/coolant, transmission fluid.
Fuel Injectors: Check and clean injectors if necessary
Headlights: Check aiming, check high & low beams, also check brake lights, turn signals, etc.
PCV Valve: Check & replace annually.
Suspension: Inspect shocks stuts, springs, etc.
Timing Belt/Chain: Inspect annually if over 50,000 miles.
Tires: Check tire condition, pressure, and balancing. Rotate every 6,000 miles.
Transmission: Check linkage, condition of fluid, replace fluid & filter every 2 years.
Tune-Up: Check spark plugs, wires, ignition timing, replace compents as needed.
Wheel Alignment: Have alignment checked annually.
Wheel Bearings: Have bearing checked annually.
Wipers: Inspect and clean blades, replace annually. Replenish washer fluid as needed.